It looks inconspicuous at first glance. A yellowed piece of paper from a typewriter and the faint stamp of a post-war economic authority in Karlsruhe. The official date typed: June 28, 1948.
If we think about it carefully, what is reflected in the document is something as significant as the birth of our family business!
Our globally active OKW Group would simply not exist today without the "Operating License No. 3394", exactly 75 years ago. The OKW story started two years earlier, in 1946, located in remote rooms at the Franz Fertig furniture factory - as a small press shop business in the Odenwald. In this place, the former high school teacher Dr Herbert Schneider had a team of technically experienced employees around him. They experimented together and improvised, organising two presses and the first orders. It was a "wild" time when there were neither materials nor machines, and everyday life was regulated by the American allied government.
Let's have a closer look at this historical letter written in German, where we can find a mention of "pressed objects made of synthetic resin material" and "wood-look synthetic material for furniture construction". At that time, plastic processing was a very new concept that was beginning to emerge. Over time, natural resins have been replaced by synthetic resins such as thermosets, saving cost and effort. This technology was also used in the newly established Odenwald plastics factory*. At first, small orders were established to develop electrical accessories such as plugs, and even razor cases no matter the quantity, later they made their way into the radio potentiometers and tuning knobs industry.
Therefore, glamour is manifested in this letter!
Back in June 1948, when Herbert Schneider held the mail from Karlsruhe in his hands, he must had sighed with relief. The rest is (our) history...
75 years ago to the present day! We should all be proud to be part of such a successful company history!
*Odenwälder Kunststoffwerk (OKW) was founded in 1948 by Dr. Herbert Schneider in the town of Buchen, Odenwald, Germany. Then in 1984 we decided to market the standard enclosures and tuning knobs through the legally independent company Odenwälder Kunststoffwerke Gehäusesysteme GmbH.