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Programas de visualización

Programas de visualización

Indicaciones de uso y enlaces a las páginas de los fabricantes para descargar programas de visualización.

Acrobat Reader

PDF files

To be able to have a look at the current catalog pages in the PDF format, the Acrobat reader is necessary. You can get this software in the internet under www.adobe.com.
The Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to view selected products in the 3D PDF format. Learn more about the use and features here

3D PDF Reader - iPhone & iPad -

You can get this software in the internet under itunes.apple.com.

DWF Viewer

AutoCAD DWF-files (Plug-In)

For you can look at the drawings in the DWF format, there is a Plug-In for the Internet Explorer. It is made available by Autodesk free of charge: www.autodesk.com. By means of that you are able to read our CAD drawings (format "DWF") also without AutoCAD.