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conbee Smart TAG

Smart TAG

The conbee Smart TAG is based on the Bluetooth 4.x specification with a range of up to 150 m. The fully configurable TAG has an authentication function using out-of-band or SecureSimple pairing, is forgery-proof and has a motion sensor that is capable of recognising manipulation attempts. Status data are transmitted at dynamically adaptable transmission intervals in advertisement packets that provide information about the object to be tracked. The intelligent TAG cyclically reports its identification number, temperature and movement data as well as battery status and optionally also its position.

The unit can be used across all industries: construction, agricultural and forestry, facility management, building and industrial automation, medical care, logistics and storage, telematics, etc. The TAG is suitable for iBeacon applications, access and presence monitoring, indoor and outdoor localisation, inventories, location-based marketing scenarios and much more.

In its MINITEC enclosure by OKW, the conbee Smart TAG can be carried comfortably on a keyring or attached to the object to be tracked. Different colour variants are also available, depending on the application requirements.


conbee Logo

conbee GmbH,
Wehrheim (Germany)

Productos de OKW
