Pokročilé vyhledávání Číslo součástky
Přihlásit se / Registrovat Vaše země/jazyk Germany, Čeština


Čtvercové ovládací centrum

Zapouzdření PROTEC mají moderní a vysoce atraktivní čtvercový design s měkkými konturami. Výsledkem jsou tato nástěnná a stolní pouzdra, která jsou ideální pro elektronická zařízení jak uvnitř, tak venku.

  • Tři velikosti - 140/180/220, každá v následujících verzích:
    Verze I
    S hlubokým zapuštěným prostorem na zadní části zapouzdření pro instalaci a ochranu propojení, rozhraní, spínačů a kabelů.
    Verze II
    Stejné jako verze I, ale také s naklapávací krytkou pro bezpečnou ochranu zapuštěného prostoru.
    Verze III
    Stejné, jako verze I, ale s hlubokým krytím pro zapuštěný prostor, které je připevněno pomocí šroubů. Hluboké krytí poskytuje další místo pro elektroniku, kabely a spojení.
  • Přední operační panel ergonomicky nakloněný o 20°
  • Zapuštěný operační prostor pro ochranu membránové klávesnice
  • Dostatek místa pro dotykové obrazovky (PROTEC 140: 5,7"/17.8 cm, PROTEC 180: 7"/17,8 cm, PROTEC 220: 8.4"/21.3 cm)
  • Žádné viditelné upevňovací šrouby, všechna upevnění jsou schovaná na vnitřní straně 
  • Vysoce kvalitn V-0 materiál v krémově bílém (RAL 9002) a možnost přidání ochrany na úrovni IP 65 pro náročná řešení
  • Kryté místo pro elektroniku s třemi úrovněmi pro řídící desky; dostatek místa pro komponenty a sestavy
  • Zakryté připevnění na zeď s ochranou proti odstranění ze zdi (doplněk pro připevnění na zeď)
  • Šrouby z nerezové oceli se spolihlivými Torx hlavami
  • Nohy z neklouzavé gumy zaručují, že zařízení na stolech nebudou klouzat
  • Video
  • Příklady aplikací

Obory aplikací

  • Dohledové systémy, kontrola přístupu a bezpečnosti
  • Systémy pro sběr dat
  • Systémy stavebních služeb, centrální kontrolní jednotky
  • IoT/IIoT
  • Smart factory
  • Průmysl 4.0
  • Vstupní brány
  • Inženýrství datových systémů
  • Měřící a regulační technika
  • Lékařská technologie, zdravotní péče
  • Procházet celý seznam
  • Doplňky
  • Zobrazit možnosti přizpůsobení
B4414107 PROTEC 140, Vers. I


PROTEC 140, Vers. I Modern two piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Recessed interface area. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 140, Vers. I
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
B4414207 PROTEC 140, Vers. II


PROTEC 140, Vers. II Modern three piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. The snap-on cover included in the supply makes it possible to close the deep recessed interface area at the rear both visually and/or to install additional electronics in a separate area. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, snap-on cover, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 140, Vers. II
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
B4414307 PROTEC 140, Vers. III


PROTEC 140, Vers. III Modern three piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. The deep cover included in the supply provides additional space in a separate area. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, deep cover, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 140, Vers. III
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
B4418107 PROTEC 180, Vers. I


PROTEC 180, Vers. I Modern two piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Recessed interface area. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 180, Vers. I
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
B4418207 PROTEC 180, Vers. II


PROTEC 180, Vers. II Modern three piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. The snap-on cover included in the supply makes it possible to close the deep recessed interface area at the rear both visually and/or to install additional electronics in a separate area. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, snap-on cover, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 180, Vers. II
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
B4418307 PROTEC 180, Vers. III


PROTEC 180, Vers. III Modern three piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. The deep cover included in the supply provides additional space in a separate area. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, deep cover, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 180, Vers. III
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
B4422107 PROTEC 220, Vers. I


PROTEC 220, Vers. I Modern two piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Recessed interface area. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 220, Vers. I
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
B4422207 PROTEC 220, Vers. II


PROTEC 220, Vers. II Modern three piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. The snap-on cover included in the supply makes it possible to close the deep recessed interface area at the rear both visually and/or to install additional electronics in a separate area. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, snap-on cover, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 220, Vers. II
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
B4422307 PROTEC 220, Vers. III


PROTEC 220, Vers. III Modern three piece plastic enclosure with an ergonomically inclined operating panel. The deep cover included in the supply provides additional space in a separate area. Fastening pillars for PCBs and components in the top and bottom parts. Wall suspension element and sealing (to raise the protection class up to IP 65) included in the range of accessories. Hidden stainless steel assembly screws with secure Torx heads. Can also be used outdoors thanks to the high-quality material and the robust design.

Supply Top and bottom parts, deep cover, assembly kit including 4 self-adhesive rubber feet



PROTEC 220, Vers. III
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
ASA+PC (UL 94 V-0)
off-white RAL 9002
IP 65 opt.
A0305031 Self-tapping screws 2.5 x 6 mm (PZ1)


Self-tapping screws 2.5 x 6 mm (PZ1) Self-tapping crosshead screw (PZ1), specifically suitable for plastics. For fastenings components, boards and PCBs onto pillars.

Supply 1 self-tapping screw



Self-tapping screws 2.5 x 6 mm (PZ1)
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
A0325060 Self-tapping screw 2.5 x 6 mm (T8)


Self-tapping screw 2.5 x 6 mm (T8) Self-tapping screw with T8 Torx drive. For fastenings components, boards and PCBs onto pillars.

Supply 1 self-tapping screw



Self-tapping screw 2.5 x 6 mm (T8)
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
Stainless steel
B4514030 Sealing 140


Sealing 140

Application: for increasing the protection class, of PROTEC 140. Top part of the enclosure with groove for inserting the seal.

Supply 1 seal



Sealing 140
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
B4514101 Wall suspension element 140


Wall suspension element 140

Holder for secure, flush mounting on the wall. The enclosure is screwed to the wall suspension element in the recessed interface area. Advantage: hidden mounting with no visible fixings.

Supply 1 wall suspension element and 2 screws



Wall suspension element 140
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
B4518030 Sealing 180


Sealing 180

Application: for increasing the protection class, of PROTEC 180. Top part of the enclosure with groove for inserting the seal.

Supply 1 seal



Sealing 180
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
B4518101 Wall suspension element 180


Wall suspension element 180

Holder for secure, flush mounting on the wall. The enclosure is screwed to the wall suspension element in the recessed interface area. Advantage: hidden mounting with no visible fixings.

Supply 1 wall suspension element and 2 screws



Wall suspension element 180
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
B4522030 Sealing 220


Sealing 220

Application: for increasing the protection class, of PROTEC 220. Top part of the enclosure with groove for inserting the seal.

Supply 1 seal



Sealing 220
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.
B4522101 Wall suspension element 220


Wall suspension element 220

Holder for secure, flush mounting on the wall. The enclosure is screwed to the wall suspension element in the recessed interface area. Advantage: hidden mounting with no visible fixings.

Supply 1 wall suspension element and 2 screws



Wall suspension element 220
Produkt byl přidán do Vašeho košíku.

Možnosti přizpůsobení pro Protec

Co ještě potřebujete pro svůj vlastní velmi osobní produkt? Můžeme dodat zapouzdření a ladicí knoflíky se všemi nezbytnými úpravami pro montáž vašich elektronických součástek.